Dusty Rose K-9 Trainers

7 July Update

July 7, 2011
Radar: In for Obedience tune-up and trained retrieve. Doing great, done with collar conditioning and starting hold.

Vanna: Done with TT and marks are ok.

Bunsy: Done with TT and marking good.

Dandy: Running marks well and obedience is good.

Violet:Marks are good, backing off on handling this past week.

Cemmy: Blinds and marks good. Double and single marks are on the menu.

Albert: Running pretty good, Vanna is in heat so the boys have lost a little.

Scout: Not running very well at all. Just seems to have a poor attitude.


23 June update

June 23, 2011
Sorry to have missed 3 weeks of updates, getting things in order in MI and training have been a little more than expected. Should be getting caught up from now on.

Abby: A new obedience trainee, doing good. In Collar Conditioning and advancing quickly. Been here since June 5.

Vanna: Running Full T and ready for TT. Attitude is great, line manners and marking improving too.

Bunsy: Running full T and doing very good. Attitude is good. Marks and steady ok, too. He is doing very good and I am not go...
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30 May Update

May 30, 2011
Anhi: Doing better. She is doing very good for her owner, and will be staying home for the summer in TN.

Vanna: Good this week, did not advance much do to going North on Tuesday. Attitude is great and ready to head back to MI.

Dandy: Seems to be all healed finally. Doing good and ready to head north, this will be her 1st trip up.

Violet: Doing good, not much advancement either. Ready to head home to MI.

Cemmy: Doing good and confirmed she is now a Junior Hunter.Heading to MI and ready to get back...
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23 May Update

May 23, 2011
Anhi:Having some Obedience issue's, Been concentrating get that fixed this week. Doing ok.

Bunsy: Had a bad week in the beginning, seem to have ended on an up note.

Vanna:Done on miniT and I will wait till I am back North to move on. Obedience has been very good.

Dandy: Still limping once in awhile and has regressed in obedience. Even knocked her owner down this week.

Violet: MiniT and obedience have been great this week. Getting all our ducks in a row, FINALLY.

Cemmy: Doing very well all around. ...
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16 May update

May 16, 2011
Anhi: Force to Pile coming along fine. Concentrating on obedience as we are having some issue's there.

Bunsy: Sit to Pile is done. The boy is doing very well

Gunner: Home with the family as scheduled. He should transfer back just fine.Worked well for Todd and I believe he is going to make a very capable hunting dog his 1st year. Can not wait for fall to hear how he does.

Vanna: Mini T doing very good. Obedience is also good, shows her age of just a year though.

Dandy: Has been on the injured list...
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9 May Update

May 10, 2011
Anhi: Done with 3 Handed Cast. Doing good.

Bunsy: Sit to pile is coming. Marks fine.

Gunner: Mini T is coming along fine. Steady and marks are pretty good.

Vanna:Finished Sit to Pile. Teaching TT main line. Started Water Force. Marks and steady fine.

Dandy: Still working on Sit to Pile, Limping agian.

Violet: Mini T sit and casts doing very well. Working out of her confusion quickly. Marks are fine. Water force was started.

Cemmy: Mini T doing very good, water force good. Marks great.

Sonny: Marks o...
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2 May update

May 5, 2011
Anhi: 3 Handed Cast and marks doing well. Received a 3pt Major at the dog show (conformation) over the weekend in Franklin TN.

Bunsy: Marks good, steading and sit to pile coming fast.

Gunner: Drooling getting better. Sit to pile done, marks land and water good. Moving on to mini t and TT.

Vanna: Marks land and water good. Sit to Pile started, confused but learning.

Dandy:Still working on Sit to Pile. Sits are improving nicely.

Violet: Marks great, steady. Sit to pile done and moving on to TT main ...
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25 April Update

April 26, 2011
Anhi: Walking Fetch and Marks doing good. Needs more swimming.

Bunsy:3 Handed Cast learning fast. Marks are good.

Gunner: Working on Sit to Pile. Marks are good. Swimming good. Not riding in truck too well, drools.

Vanna: Sit to Pile is O.K. Have some Line Manner issues to fix.

Dandy:Sit all around needs work. AM working on this from several angles, at heel and remote. Doing fine.
Violet:Marks good. Sit to Pile has shown some line manner issues and should strengthen her sit. More confusing showin...
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18 April Update

April 26, 2011
Anhi: Ear Pinch doing good. Large Bumper off ground almost done. Water marks doing good, not much sit. Drive is great.

Bunsy: Land Marks, Water Marks, and some simple doubles all doing good. Wearing out pretty fast, not acclimated to the heat.

Gunner:3 Handed Cast done. Starting Force to Pile and doing great. Marks doing good, lead steady.

Vanna:Force to pile doing good. Land and Water Marks doing good lead steady.

Dandy:Sit to Pile O.K. Not steady for Marks, swimming is not the best.

Violet: 3 Ha...

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11 April Update

April 26, 2011
Anhi: Hold is done, doing fine in Ear Pinch. 

Gunner: In 3 Handed Cast, doing fine.

Vanna: Also in 3 Handed Cast. Doing good all around.

Dandy: Force to Pile is done and starting sit to pile.

Violet: 3 Handed Cast, doing good. Am fixing some confusing.

Cemmy: Training good.

Albert: Doing O.K. Girls on brain.
Chili: Retired??

Scout: Doing O.K. Girls on brain.

Bunsy, Sia, Sonny, Remington: All just arrived from MI and are settling in.

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